Jupiter's transit in Gemini started on 26th May 2024 and it will end on 9th June 2025. Last time it was in this part of your chart between 11th June 2012 and 25th June 2013 so it’s good to look back and see what types of things happened in your life that pertain to the area of life that part of your chart represents. It won’t exactly be the same because back then you were under the influence of other aspects but certain themes will repeat themselves.
People who have personal planets or angles at around 11º-13º and 19º-21º of Gemini are the lucky ones because Jupiter will station retrograde and direct respectively around their placements. I’d urge to you be extra bold and go for it at those times.
Straight after Jupiter’s ingress into Gemini, it will make a trine with Pluto. This has never happened in this area of your chart in your entire life and won’t happen again in those signs until August 2036 (there will be a Jupiter-Pluto trine in 2028 but it will be in Libra). If you have something at the beginning of Aquarius or Gemini or are an early-born Aquarius or Gemini, this presents itself with an opportunity to transform something (because “change” would be too weak a word when Pluto is involved). If you are an early-born Aquarian or have angles or planets in the first 3 degrees of Aquarius, you are already under Pluto’s influence so if it’s challenging, this is an opportunity to alleviate any discomfort or distress. The trine will hold roughly until 10th June.
Another important aspect Jupiter will make is a square with Saturn. The Jupiter-Saturn synodic cycle restarted on 24th December 2020 (and, as you remember, it was an eponymous year with two more rare conjunctions and six eclipses, which made me realise how accurate astrology really is if you go beyond Sun sign astrology). The square will be exact on 19th August 2024, 24th December 2025 and 15th June 2025 when both planets have changed signs. The first square in a synodic cycle is the first obstacle to your plans. Whatever you started at around the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction will now be challenged and you will have to resist, fight back or make the necessary changes. This doesn’t necessarily indicate a major crisis but more like a call to action.
As mentioned in the Jupiter-Uranus series, Jupiter is generous, lucky and expansive energy that is usually benevolent but just as with everything, too much of good stuff can lead to excess, laziness and overindulgence, e.g., too much good food makes your stomach hurt. It all depends on what aspects Jupiter will be making to your personal planets and angles. Here’s a brief overview:
Conjunction – that’s the strongest influence of all. Conjunction is generally neutral by nature but since Jupiter is involved, you can expect mostly positive developments. I would strongly invite you to be bolder in the area of life the aspected planet represents and rules. Especially if you have personal planets or angles at 11º-13º and 19º -21º of Gemini.
Trines and sextiles – those are positive aspects so Jupiter’s influence should be positive although their influence is generally a bit weaker. Trines are aspects of opportunity. With sextiles you may have to put more effort or the opportunities may present themselves in disguise but the outcome is generally positive. Unless you have another challenging transit happening at the same time, there should be plenty of opportunity if you give it a go. If you do nothing, it will just be a pleasant time. Make the most of it, especially if you have personal planets or angles at 11º-13º and 19º -21º of Libra, Aquarius, Leo and Aries.
Square – a square is a tense aspect. It represents challenge, friction and resistance. It’s an aspect of action borne out of frustration. Although a square with a benefic, which Jupiter is, is not as complicated as with a malefic, it may lead to overexerting yourself or overdoing something. This will be particularly active for people with personal planets or angles at 11º-13º and 19º -21º of Virgo and Pisces.
Opposition – the opposition is a tense aspect where it is clear that the challenge is coming from the outside, i.e., from someone else, and you are compelled to take action. Again, since Jupiter is involved, it should be something positive but overwhelming. For example, you could be given way too more projects than you can handle, which is good because it means that they think you’re good at what you do but you will have to say no to someone or take it on and risk a burnout. Watch out if you have personal planets or angles at 11º-13º and 19º -21º of Sagittarius.
Here's a brief overview of what to expect if Jupiter aspects one of your personal planets or angles but, of course, it matters what kind of aspect it is (as described above):
Jupiter-Sun contacts present an opportunity to expand in every area of your life, your worldview, your identity, reputation and vitality.
Jupiter-Moon contacts present an opportunity for improvement in your home situation, emotional security or changes in your eating habits (be careful with food – remember Jupiter likes to expand everything it touches).
Jupiter-Mercury contacts present opportunities in the area of writing, talking, study, sales, social media, short journeys and gaining information. They could herald some good news coming to you.
Jupiter-Venus contacts present opportunities in the area of relationships, resources and self-worth. It’s a good time to find love and sort out your financial issues. Jupiter-Venus contacts are very beneficial for people who work in the arts or creative industries.
Jupiter-Mars contacts herald a lot of action so the time when Jupiter makes an aspect to your Mars will be times of increased activity. Unless your Mars is receiving a tense aspect from Neptune, you should have heaps of drive and motivation at this time so you should use this to achieve any challenging goals. It's also a good time to start a new workout routine.
Jupiter-Ascendent – when Jupiter crosses your Ascendent, it should be a lucky time if you make the most of it, especially if it’s at 11º-13º and 19º-21º of Gemini. Go out, write to people and put yourself out there. You should now be more visible to others. One word of warning! Since the first house is your body, it’s not uncommon to gain weight when Jupiter transits it. I gained 2 inches in just five months when Jupiter was transiting my first house a few years ago.
Jupiter-Midheaven – when Jupiter crosses your Midheaven, it’s a good time for anything to do with your public image, career and visibility, again, especially if your MC is at 11º-13º and 19º-21º of Gemini because Jupiter will linger there for longer.
Jupiter-Descendent heralds some opportunities in the area of one-on-one relationships. It could mean a positive development in your romantic relationship, good opportunities for your other half or an exciting contract with a business partner.
Jupiter-Immum Coeli can bring some good developments in your family life, roots, living situation or emotional well-being. If nothing major happens, it will at least be a good time at home.
That’s it. Enjoy it! And if you're unsure what it means for you, book a consultation by sending an email to hello@business-astrology.co.uk