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Jupiter-Uranus conjunction


On 21st April we will have one of the most anticipated events of the year, namely, a rare Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus, which happens roughly every 13-14 years. Last time they met in 2010/2011 in Pisces/Aries, in 1997 in Aquarius and in 1983 in Sag. The last time they met in Taurus was in 1941.

Jupiter is associated with growth, expansion, generosity, abundance, luck, opportunity, optimism, exploration and a search for meaning. The shadow side of Jupiter is greed, hypocrisy, inflation, over-indulgence, a dislike for responsibility, grandiosity, extravagance and playing God.

Uranus is unique in the Solar System as it spins on its side. It’s also almost twice the distance from the Sun as Saturn so its discovery doubled the size of the known Universe at the time. All this gave it its symbolism. Uranus is the odd one out who goes beyond the established boundaries or status quo (hence upon its discovery it was given the rulership of Aquarius). Unlike other planets which are named after Roman gods, Uranus is named after a Greek god. It is associated with breakthroughs, revolution, rebellion, and technological advancements (it was discovered at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution) to name a few. The shadow side is wilfulness, perversion, ignoring ethical considerations or break-ups.

A conjunction is a blend of both planets’ energies. It’s been active for a while but it will reach its climax this week. It’s a neutral aspect but however it plays out for you depends on a number of factors, for example where 21 degrees of Taurus falls in your chart, which of your personal planets it’s aspecting and which areas Jupiter and Uranus rule in your chart.

In general, Jupiter-Uranus contacts bring sudden openings or awakenings, eureka moments, scientific breakthroughs or explosions of creativity. Uranus in Taurus has been transforming the way we pay with the gradual elimination of cash for the sake of card, contactless and phone payments, crypto, bitcoin, etc so perhaps this year we will see further developments in this area.


A Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus is rare. It happened only five times in the last millennium. The next one will be in 2107. The last one happened in 1941. That year Franklin D. Roosevelt approved a crash programme to develop an atomic bomb and, coincidentally, a film about the very thing (Oppenheimer) is one of the most talked about films this year.

In 1540 Georg Joachim Rheticus (Nicolaus Copernicus’ pupil) published Narratio Prima, which gave everyone the first glimpse of the Copernican heliocentric theory.

On the day of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction on 20th July 1969, the Apollo 11 crew landed on the Moon and over the last few months there’s been talk of another possible Moon mission.

The conjunction in 1997 happened a few months after we witnessed the first cloning of a mammal – Dolly the Sheep.

I looked at the past few UK elections that happened around the time of a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction:

  • 2010 - the Tories took over from Labour

  • 1997 - Labour took over from the Tories

  • 1983 - the Tories had already been in power for 4 years but it was the most decisive victory since Labour won in 1945

  • 1970, so not long after the conjunction - the Tories took over from Labour.

  • The 1955 election was a snap election (“snap” is a very Uranian word) after Churchill’s retirement.

What does it mean for UK politics?

Well, the next election has to take place no later than 28th January 2025. Looking back at how this conjunction has manifested itself so far, we can suspect a change in the Government. In addition to that, Rishi Sunak was announced as the new PM on a solar eclipse. The Sun symbolises leaders and becoming one when it’s eclipsed is not a good idea. All in all, I think we will be bidding farewell to the Tories. Or they will win by a landslide with a new leader.


Do you know that you can track back in time all the Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions and oppositions to figure out what’s likely to happen this time? You can do it with all synodic cycles (if you don’t know what that means, let me know and I’ll make a post about it). I tracked mine and my jaw dropped. It was so accurate!

A conjunction is the seeding period. Whatever started during a conjunction tends to culminate during the opposition.

The most recent opposition happened in late 2016 and 2017. The last conjunction happened in 2011/2012. Think what happened in 2011/2012 that culminated in late 2016 or in 2017. Similarly, think what happened in 1997 that culminated in 2004. Or what happened in 1983 that culminated in 1989/1990. You will be amazed.

And now think what’s happened this year so far and make a note of what unfolds over the next few weeks. Whatever it is, might not seem significant now but when Jupiter and Uranus oppose each other in 2031, it will culminate and you will be able to track it back to 2024.

As usual here is what each of the 12 signs can expect with your ascendent sign being the most accurate. If your ascendent is at 22 degrees and later, read the next sign. Also, bear in mind that it is just a general forecast and I’ll have to see your natal chart to give you more accurate information.



This could manifest as a eureka moment in the area of earned income, new ways of making money or an increase in self-esteem/self-worth because your values have changed. It could be a potential opportunity that was there all along but you couldn’t see it because you haven’t been paying attention.


An awakening about yourself or your body. As this is happening in your sign, it could impact any area of your life.


An awakening deep within your psyche, a sudden breakthrough in your mental health that could lead to new developments in your relationships or career. It could be something that isn’t quite obvious but will rise to the surface once Jupiter enters your sign.


A realisation that you do or don’t belong to a certain group because your lifestyle or values have changed. There could also be a sudden flash of insight about how to reach a difficult objective, perhaps with the help of other people’s money or a bank loan. You could also figure out how to pay off your debt if applicable.


An awakening or new insights concerning your career path, public image or professional skills. This could manifest as an opportunity for an interesting project at work. You could get your lucky break or uncover a secret that gives you competitive advantage.


New ideas concerning your life philosophy, belief system and values could trigger interesting developments in your relationships or home and family life. If you’re in higher education, there could be a positive breakthrough there, especially if you work in a scientific area or an opportunity to study at a higher level may come up this year. There could also be an opportunity to travel abroad. It’s happening in one of the lucky houses so be bold!


A solution to solve your debt problems could present itself this year. Also, if you feel like you’ve been to hell and back, this could be a positive development that leads to recovery and changing your lifestyle will accelerate it. Your local community or siblings could be a source of support.


A potential breakthrough or break-up in your one-on-one relationships that could lead to changes in your home and family life or developments in professional partnerships that could lead to increased income or self-worth. There might be an element of luck involved. Alternatively, the breakthrough in question could happen in the life of your partner (professional or romantic).


This presents itself with an opportunity to shake up your lifestyle and improve your health. Family and local community should be supportive but don’t forget that first and foremost you can count on yourself.


This is a great opportunity to have some fun or a new development in the area of creative expression or children. Do something you enjoy. It may lead to extra income, it could benefit your siblings or local community or, at the very least, it will bring you some joy and fulfilment. This conjunction happens in a very lucky part of your chart so make the most of it.


This could herald a potential move or an opportunity to buy or sell real estate or any other breakthrough in your home and family life. It could manifest itself in the form of extra income that could help you improve your housing situation or some extra income earned from home. You could also get closer to reaching a long-term objective. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, talk to your friends as they might be able to provide some answers.


New insights about how you communicate with others and relate to your community which could have a positive impact on your public image and career. Also, since Uranus rules technology, it could present itself with an opportunity to buy a new vehicle or gadget but wait until Mercury leaves its shadow before any purchase.


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