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Pluto in Aquarius

On 19th November at 8.40pm UK time Pluto moves into Aquarius and this time it will stay there until it enters Pisces for the first time on 9th March 2043. Pluto is a slow-moving planet. It takes 248 years to go around the zodiac so it’s never been in Aquarius in our lifetime. The last time Pluto entered Aquarius was in 1777-1778 so it’s a rare astrological event.




Pluto first entered Aquarius on 23rd March 2023 and stayed there until 11th June 2023. The second time it entered on 21st Jan 2024 and left on 2nd September 2024. You may want to go back and think if anything interesting or different happened to you at that that time. Don’t worry if you can’t think of anything. For most of us, we will only feel the effect when it comes in contact with one of our personal planets or angles. Pluto’s journey through a sign is a long one and it’s barely dipped its toes in Aquarius. If, however, you have planets or angles at the very beginning of Aquarius or other fixed signs, you might have felt it. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, ask those who have personal placements at the end of Capricorn. I’m sure they have a story to tell.


When Pluto hits a personal planet or angle, you will notice. When it hits your Sun, during the two years when it’s exact, you will experience profound transformations of your identity. When it hits your moon, you will have to work through some family issues. Secrets could be uncovered or a profound transformation in your family life could occur. When it hits your ascendent, the transformation could occur in any area of your life. It could be something to do with the way you look. I‘ve got my ascendent in the early degrees of Aquarius. I’ve dropped five dress sizes and it hasn’t even been exact yet so more changes are bound to happen. Something about the way you appear to people will change but it doesn’t always have to do with your appearance. It could be a big career change that impacts your life, a change of marital status or you might have kids and have to make significant changes to your lifestyle.

If you’re a celebrity, certain things could come to light. For example, in September 2023 five women publicly accused Russell Brand of sexual assault and sexual and emotional abuse. It was all over the news. At that time Pluto was exactly conjunct his ascendent. As Pluto is finishing its conjunction with his ascendent, we get this very aptly titled article: The Troubling Rebirth of Russell Brand. Fiona Muir-Harvey, who, allegedly, the character of Martha in Baby Reindeer is based on, became a public person when Pluto was conjunct her ascendent. She sued Netflix claiming that the show ruined her life and destroyed her reputation. What is interesting is that sexual or emotional abuse, ruin, destruction and rebirth are very Plutonian words. Rest assured that not everyone who is having a Pluto transit will be defamed or destroyed but what you can be certain of is that your life will be transformed in one way or another.



Pluto is associated with power and transformation through death and rebirth. Capricorn is focused on the past. It symbolises the traditional set-up and distribution of power from the top down. It rules long-established systems or structures and traditional bastions of power such as governments and corporates. Pluto’s ingress into Capricorn in 2008 coincided with the global financial crisis, which exposed systemic flaws in banking and finance, demanding reform and stricter regulation. We witnessed a rise of populist and nationalist movements in various countries across the world. Debates around national identity and immigration have led to intensified political polarisation. Britain’s exodus from the EU was in itself a challenge to a long-established structure. During Pluto’s sojourn in Capricorn, we learnt that climate change is accelerating at a greater speed than ever before and that the way we’ve been exploiting the Earth’s resources and conducting business since the Industrial Revolution is unsustainable. The traditional way of doing things (Capricorn) needs to change or transform if you will (Pluto). This also coincides with the 200-year Saturn-Jupiter cycle (which I wrote about in this article). Since the Industrial Revolution, the Jupiter and Saturn conjunctions have been occurring in the earth signs, however as of 2020 they will be happening in the air signs suggesting a need to move away from exploiting the Earth’s resources and relying on fossil fuels.

An important element of Pluto in Capricorn’s legacy will no doubt be 2020, during which we experienced a double whammy – not only did we have Pluto in the sign of authority and governments but we also had Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, there and they made an exact conjunction on 12th January that year. What happened in 2020 and the restrictions imposed across the world are symbolic of Pluto’s transit through Capricorn.

So what’s next?


Pluto enters Aquarius, the sign associated with freedom and the collective. Aquarius favours organisations based on free choice and co-operation between individuals. It’s a sign of independence and revolution. It’s not unusual for a person with strong Aquarius in their chart to be the odd one out, someone who wants to be part of a group but yet they want to retain their individuality. Below are a few ideas of what this transit might mean to the world.

Technological and Scientific Developments

Pluto in Aquarius

Aquarius is impartial, detached and focuses on scientific progress. Ever since Pluto dipped its toes in Aquarius there has been more talk about AI, machine learning, biotechnology and quantum computing. I can testify that the voice-over industry has been hit. There had been talk about text-to-speech and using automated voices before Pluto first entered Aquarius in March 2023 but only in the last year and a half have we noticed a drop in demand for human voice-over artists. Of course, technological development has been a constant but the speed with which technology is developing at the moment is faster than usual. Think back to 2010. Life in 2020 wasn’t that much different. Our phones, computers and cars have improved but they haven’t changed that much. Astrologers believe that by the end of this decade technology will redefine how we live and interact with the world. Our lives will be completely transformed (that word again) because of technological developments in the coming years. The danger, of course, is that lawmakers and regulators won’t be able to keep up with the speed of the changes so the debate around data privacy, AI rights and intellectual property will be a hot topic.

When Pluto was in Capricorn the governments had power. In Aquarius power will be in the hands of tech companies. In Capricorn money is power. In Aquarius it’s technology. It’s not unusual for Pluto to expose the shadow side of a sign it’s transiting so we are likely to see the shadow side of technological developments alongside the positives.


Power to the People

Aquarius is also the sign of the collective and Pluto is the sign of power. There is a growing belief among astrologers that after witnessing the shadow side of this transit we will see a shift away from traditional centralised authorities, such as governments and corporates, towards more grassroots and decentralised models and a push for collective decision-making. Aquarius is a sign of groups and communities and we believe that Pluto’s transit will empower them to push back against traditional hierarchical structures. This may occur in the form of a global revolution or rebellion, both associated with Aquarius, or a slow process resulting in lasting changes. Looking at how things are, I’m beginning to think that it will be the former.  Eventually, the control that once sat in the hands of a few will be redistributed, giving power to groups, communities and collective movements demanding social change, freedom and inclusion.

Alternative Energy Sources and Sustainability

We’re already seeing a shift away from fossil fuels. Aquarius is an air sign so it wouldn’t be surprising if we saw an increase in the use of wind power. It also rules electricity so we can expect more reliance on that as a source of energy. The Aquarian spirit of innovation and focus on collective welfare will likely lead to sustainable solutions that will eliminate energy poverty and facilitate sustainable living.  We are likely to see continued focus on developing alternative sources of fuel such as hydrogen or bioenergy. Aquarian interest in the well-being of the collective doesn’t stop at humans. We can expect more environmental activism promoting large-scale changes in how resources are managed and distributed as well as pushing for global policies aimed at combating climate change.

Transformation of Work

Pluto in Aquarius

A change in the way we work started in 2020 with Saturn’s ingress into Aquarius but it’s likely to undergo further changes. Not only are we going to continue working remotely but flexible arrangements are going to become more common where people will be able to fit work around their other commitments. Aquarius is a freedom-loving sign so we will likely see a shift towards freelance work, where people can decide who they work with and for how many hours. More focus on work-life balance is also likely to gain momentum. We might also notice a complete change in how we view work. It is my sincerest hope that the Aquarian need for authenticity and uniqueness will trigger a change in how we see work. We will no longer see it as a necessary evil or something akin to a Victorian workhouse but rather a way to self-actualise and find fulfilment. Neither will we see the need to remain loyal to one company (a disappearing trend) or commit to one career. Our career choices just like our needs should be allowed to change and evolve throughout our lives without anyone looking down on us and seeing it as indecision.

With Uranus’s ingress into Gemini, we may see the development of new means of communication which will change the way we work, communicate, learn and study. At present, most courses already have an e-learning component. We will see an increase in the use of virtual reality to cater for more hands-on practical courses. Since Aquarius is an egalitarian sign, education could be more accessible to the broader population. We will also witness new developments in education systems and academic paths.

Redefinition of Identity, Gender Roles and Social Norms

The way we understand identity, whether related to gender, sexuality, culture or beliefs, may become more fluid and inclusive. Aquarius is a sign that likes to assert its uniqueness and Pluto there can foster an environment where individuals feel more empowered to express and embrace diverse identities. We may also see an increased emphasis on moving away from traditional gender roles. An ambitious woman will no longer be considered masculine and aggressive and a stay-at-home dad a loser. Both fluidity of gender and female empowerment may finally close the gender pay gap.

Space Exploration and Aviation

Aquarius rules aviation so we might expect new developments in that area, either to do with the quality or speed of aircraft or its impact on the environment. We may also witness significant progress in space exploration and potential colonisation projects. The private sector’s role in space travel could expand, leading to new opportunities and challenges. There could be an increased focus on understanding our place in the universe and searching for signs of extra-terrestrial life, shifting perspectives on human existence and our connections to other potential life forms. Scientists have recently discovered that Miranda, one of Uranus's moons, may still have a liquid ocean under its surface which could support life. It's an interesting coincidence that the news of the possible existence of extra-terrestrial life within our solar system comes from Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius, at the dawn of this transit.

Alongside other “start gazing” professions such as astronomers and astronauts, Aquarius also rules astrology. It is my sincere hope that astrology will return to grace and more people will realise how understanding this language can improve their lives and help them make sense of the world at large.

We are witnessing an unusual situation astrologically. Pluto is moving into Aquarius in November and next year all other slow-moving planets – Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and, of course, Jupiter – will be changing signs. We are undergoing an interesting period of change and I will keep you updated as we go along.


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